"Undeliverable" email message notifications flooded back all at once from past few months
Can somebody tell me why all of a sudden I got a flood of undeliverable e-mails to all my users of the actuall e-mail that were not delivered over the past few months? Why did it not return them right away? Some of the messages are 3 months old.Thank-you for all your help.
October 27th, 2008 9:31pm
Was there any recent change in the environment, that caused this to happen?Are you facing an issue with duplicate NDR or delayed NDR?Please run the ExBPA tool, and check the result. You can download it from www.exbpa.com
Also check out these links:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/258058http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318774
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October 28th, 2008 12:55am
In order to resolve our issue more efficiently, could you help clarify the following questions?
1. Please let me know which server sent the NDR, your server or remote server? If its remote server, is the NDR from the same domain?
2. Do the NDR have the same error code?
Please use the queue viewer to see if any NDR stick there. Please also try the suggestion by Harpreet and let us know the result.
Thank you,
October 29th, 2008 11:35am
In respnse to this I stop and restarted the exchange services and then it send 156 NDR from my own exchange server. The NDR messages were months old.
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October 29th, 2008 10:55pm
The NDR messages did not have the same error messages. And yes they were all sent from my server.
October 29th, 2008 10:56pm
The most probable cause of this issue should be the SMTP temp table:
"Temp Table" is a subfolder of the SMTP logon mailbox root in a particular messaging database. This folder is used to process messages for bifurcation, for content conversion, and for distribution list expansion purposes. Additionally, this folder is used to periodically remove messages from the "Send Queue" folder. This process helps prevent an issue in which messages appear to be stuck in the Microsoft Outlook Outbox folder. If some emails are corrupted, they may been moved into the temp table. However, every time starting the SMTP virtual server, these emails will be delivered again. So after restarting the Exchange Server, the related emails still tries to be sent out. We can use the method in the following article to clean the temp table regularly:
How to use the Mfcmapi.exe utility to view and work with messages in the SMTP TempTables in Exchange 2000 Server and in Exchange Server 2003
Another thing should be noticed: Please never run File-Based Antivirus Software scanning against the program and database files of an Exchange computer.
For more information:
Recommendations for troubleshooting an Exchange Server computer with antivirus software installed
I hope the above information is useful. If you need additional information on this issue, feel free to let me know. It is my pleasure to be of assistance.
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October 30th, 2008 10:19am